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Online Student Application

Two easy steps to register
Welcome to the Student Accessibility and Resources Application!

Please fill out the application form to the best of your ability. If you need assistance filling out the form, please contact the SAR Office at 903-566-7079. You will be contacted via the email on your application after the application and supporting documentation are reviewed.

The SAR registration process may take up to five to seven business days to complete. For more information about the registration process/timeline, please contact our office.

After submitting your application, you will be taken to a second page to upload your disability documentation. You can find our documentation guidelines here. (Your application confirmation email will also include a link for submitting documentation at a later time, if needed.)

Important Your application is not complete and cannot be processed until you have uploaded your disability documentation to your application.

Contact us with any documentation questions. If you do not have current documentation, we recommend using our disability documentation request form, which you can find here.
Personal Information
  1. Note: Select when you would like to start your services.
  2. Note: Select when you plan to graduate.
  3. Hint: Enter 10 alpha numeric characters.
  4. Hint: Enter date in the following format Month/Day/Year (i.e. 12/31/2010).
Contact Information
  1. Hint: Enter 10-digit number only.
  2. Hint: Enter 10-digit number only.
Local Address
  1. Hint: Enter zipcode as 97331 or 97331-0000.
Permanent Address

  1. Hint: Enter zipcode as 97331 or 97331-0000.
Additional Information
  1. Secondary Disability(ies)

    Chronic Illness

    Cognitive Impariment

    Deaf/Hard of Hearing

    General Category

    Learning Disorder


    Physical Dexterity

    Physical Mobility

    Psychological Disorder


    Support/Assistance Animal In Housing



  2. Affiliation(s)
  3. Ethnicity(ies)
  4. Campus Location(s)


    Please select all of the statements below that are true for you. * (Selection is Required)
    Please select the type(s) of documentation you are submitting: * (Selection is Required)
    Do you have a history of using disability accommodations at a prior educational institution or workplace? * (Selection is Required)
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